Friday, October 31, 2014

PDF Download El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

Kleemsas | October 31, 2014

PDF Download El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

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El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

PDF Download El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

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El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer

About the Author

Dave Pelzer travels throughout the nation promoting inspiration and resilience. His unique accomplishments have garnered personal commendations from Presidents Reagan and Bush. In 1993 Pelzer was chosen as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA), and in 1994 was the only American to receive The Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) award. He was also a torchbearer for the Centennial Olympic Games.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

1El rescatepage  blank   5 de marzo de 1973, Daly City, California. Estoy retrasado. Tengo que acabar de fregar los platos a tiempo, si no, no hay desayuno; y como anoche no cené, he de comer algo. Mamá corre por la casa chillando a mis hermanos. Oigo sus pasos pesados por el pasillo dirigiéndose hacia la cocina. Vuelvo a meter las manos en el agua hirviendo de enjuagar. Demasiado tarde. Me coge con las manos fuera del agua.¡PLAF! Mamá me pega en la cara y me tiro al suelo. Sé que no debo quedarme de pie y aguantar el golpe. He aprendido, a base de cometer errores, que lo considera un desafío, lo que significa más golpes o, peor aún, quedarme sin comer. Recupero mi postura anterior y evito su mirada mientras me grita al oído.Actúo con timidez, asintiendo a sus amenazas. 'Por favor, ―me digo―, déjame comer. Vuelve a pegarme, pero tengo que comer.' Otra bofetada hace que me golpee la cabeza contra el mostrador de azulejos. Lágrimas de falsa derrota me corren por las mejillas mientras sale de manera precipitada de la cocina aparentemente satisfecha consigo misma. Después de contar sus pasos para asegurarme de que se ha ido, dejo escapar un suspiro de alivio. Mi actuación ha dado resultado. Mamá puede pegarme todo lo que quiera, pero no he dejado que me arrebate mi voluntad de sobrevivir.Acabo de fregar los platos y, después, hago el resto de mis tareas domésticas. Como recompensa, recibo el desayuno: las sobras de un tazón de cereales de uno de mis hermanos. Hoy son Lucky Charms. Sólo quedan unos trocitos de cereales en medio tazón de leche, pero los engullo lo más de prisa posible, antes de que mamá cambie de opinión. Ya lo ha hecho otras veces. Le gusta usar la comida como arma. Sabe que no debe tirar las sobras al cubo de la basura. Sabe que después las cojo. Mamá se sabe la mayoría de mis trucos.Unos minutos más tarde estoy en la vieja ranchera de la familia. Como voy tan retrasado con las tareas domésticas, me tienen que llevar en carro al colegio. Normalmente suelo ir corriendo y llego justo cuando comienza la clase, sin tiempo para robar comida de las fiambreras de otros niños. Mamá deja salir a mi hermano mayor, pero a mí me retiene para sermonearme sobre lo que piensa hacer conmigo mañana. Va a llevarme a casa de su hermano. Dice que el tío Dan 'se ocupará de mí'. Lo dice de manera amenazadora. La miro asustado, como si de verdad tuviera miedo. Pero sé que, aunque mi tío es un hombre duro, no me tratará como lo hace mamá.Antes de que la ranchera se pare del todo, salgo corriendo. Mamá me grita para que vuelva. He olvidado mi fiambrera abollada que, en los tres últimos años, siempre ha tenido el mismo menú: dos emparedados de mantequilla de maní y unos bastoncillos de zanahoria. Antes de que vuelva a salir disparado del carro, me dice:―Diles . . . Diles que has tropezado con la puerta.Después, con una voz que rara vez emplea conmigo, me vuelve a decir:―Que pases un buen día.Le miro los ojos rojos e hinchados. Todavía le dura la resaca de la borrachera de anoche. Su pelo, en otro tiempo hermoso y brillante, le cae ahora en mechones consumidos. Como de costumbre, no lleva maquillaje. Está gorda y lo sabe. En general, éste se ha vuelto el aspecto típico de mamá.Como llego tan tarde, tengo que presentarme en la oficina de la administración. La secretaria de pelo gris me saluda con una sonrisa. Unos instantes después sale la enfermera de la escuela y me conduce a su despacho, donde llevamos a cabo la rutina habitual. Primero, me examina la cara y los brazos.―¿Qué es eso que tienes encima del ojo? ―me pregunta.Asiento dócilmente:―He tropezado con la puerta del vestíbulo . . . sin querer.Vuelve a sonreír y coge una tablilla con sujetapapeles de encima de un armario. Pasa una o dos hojas y se inclina para enseñármelas.―Mira ―señala la hoja―, eso fue lo que dijiste el lunes pasado. ¿Te acuerdas?Rápidamente cambio de historia.―Estaba jugando al béisbol y me di con el bate. Fue un accidente.Accidente. Siempre debo decir eso. Pero la enfermera no se deja engañar. Me regaña para que le diga la verdad. Siempre termino por derrumbarme y confesar, aunque creo que debería proteger a mi madre.La enfermera me dice que no me preocupe y me pide que me desnude. Hacemos lo mismo desde el año pasado, así que la obedezco inmediatamente. Mi camisa de manga larga tiene más agujeros que un queso de Gruyère. Es la misma que llevo desde hace dos años. Mamá me obliga a ponérmela todos los días para humillarme. Los pantalones están prácticamente en el mismo estado y los zapatos tienen agujeros en la zona de los dedos. Puedo sacar el dedo gordo por uno de ellos. Mientras me quedo en ropa interior, la enfermera anota las diversas marcas y moretones en la tablilla. Cuenta las marcas en forma de corte que tengo en la cara y busca alguna que le haya pasado desapercibida anteriormente. Es muy concienzuda. A continuación, me abre la boca para mirarme los dientes, que están mellados por habérmelos golpeado contra el mostrador de la cocina. Escribe varias notas más en el papel. Mientras continúa examinándome, se detiene en la antigua cicatriz del estómago.―Y aquí ―dice mientras traga saliva―, ¿es donde te clavó el cuchillo?―Sí ―contesto.'¡Oh, no! ―me digo―, me he equivocado . . . otra vez.' La enfermera debe de haber visto la preocupación en mis ojos. Deja la tablilla y me abraza. '¡Dios mío! ―me digo―, es tan cálida'. No quiero soltarla. Quiero quedarme en sus brazos para siempre. Cierro los ojos con fuerza, y durante algunos segundos, no existe nada más. Me acaricia la cabeza. Me estremezco por el moretón hinchado que mamá me ha hecho esta mañana. La enfermera deshace el abrazo y sale de la habitación. Me apresuro a vestirme. Ella no lo sabe, pero todo lo hago lo más rápidamente posible.La enfermera vuelve al cabo de unos minutos con el señor Hansen, el director, y dos de mis profesores, la señorita Woods y el señor Ziegler. El señor Hansen me conoce muy bien. He estado en su despacho más veces que cualquier otro niño de la escuela. Mira la hoja mientras la enfermera le informa de lo que ha encontrado. Me levanta la barbilla. Me da miedo mirarlo a los ojos, que es un hábito que he adquirido al tratar de enfrentarme a mi madre. Pero también es porque no quiero contarle nada. Una vez, hace aproximadamente un año, llamó a mi madre para preguntarle por mis moretones. Por aquel entonces no tenía ni idea de lo que sucedía en realidad. Sólo sabía que yo era un niño con problemas que robaba comida. Cuando volví al colegio al día siguiente, vio los resultados de las palizas de mamá. Nunca volvió a llamarla.El señor Hansen grita que ya está harto. Casi me muero del susto. 'Va a volver a llamar a mamá', me grita el cerebro. Me derrumbo y lloro. Me tiembla el cuerpo como si fuera gelatina y balbuceo como un bebé, rogando al señor Hansen que no llame a mamá.―¡Por favor! ―digo lloriqueando―, hoy no. ¿No se da cuenta de que es viernes?El señor Hansen me asegura que no va a llamar a mamá y me envía a clase. Como es muy tarde para ir al aula de la reunión matinal, corro directamente a la clase de inglés de la señora Woodworth. Hoy tenemos una prueba de ortografía de todos los estados y sus capitales. No estoy preparado. Normalmente soy muy buen alumno, pero en los últimos meses he abandonado todo en mi vida, incluyendo el evadirme de mi desgracia a través del trabajo escolar.Cuando entro en el aula, los alumnos se tapan la nariz y me silban. La profesora sustituta, una mujer joven, agita las manos delante de la cara. No está acostumbrada a mi olor. Me entrega el examen guardando las distancias, pero antes de que me siente en la parte de atrás de la clase, al lado de una ventana abierta, me vuelven a llamar al despacho del director. Toda el aula suelta un alarido, el rechazo del quinto grado.Corro a la oficina de la administración y llego en un segundo. Me duele la garganta y todavía me arde por el 'juego' que mamá jugó ayer contra mí. La secretaria me conduce a la sala de profesores. Cuando abre la puerta, mis ojos tardan un momento en habituarse. Frente a mí, sentados en torno a una mesa, están mi tutor, el señor Ziegler, mi profesora de matemáticas, la señorita Moss, la enfermera de la escuela, el señor Hansen y un policía. Los pies se me congelan. No sé si salir corriendo o esperar a que el techo se derrumbe. El señor Hansen me hace una seña para que entre, mientras la secretaria cierra la puerta tras de mí. Me siento a la cabecera de la mesa y explico que no he robado nada . . . hoy. Una sonrisa hace que desaparezca el entrecejo fruncido que todos muestran. No tengo idea que van a arriesgar sus empleos para salvarme.El policía explica por qué lo ha llamado el señor Hansen. Siento cómo me voy encogiendo en la silla. El agente me pide que le hable de mamá. Digo que no con la cabeza. Demasiadas personas conocen ya el secreto y sé que ella lo va a descubrir. Una voz suave me tranquiliza. Creo que es la señorita Moss. Me dice que todo está bien. Respiro profundamente, me retuerzo las manos y, de mala gana, les hablo de mamá y de mí. Después, la enfermera me dice que me levante y enseña al policía la cicatriz que tengo en el pecho. Sin dudarlo, les digo que fue un accidente, que es lo que fue: mamá no tenía intención de clavarme el cuchillo. Lloro mientras lo confieso todo y les digo que mamá me castiga porque soy malo. Â¡Ojalá me dejaran en paz! Me siento tan falso en mi interior. Sé que, después de todos estos años, nadie puede hacer nada.Unos minutos después me dejan salir y sentarme en el despacho contiguo. Al ir a cerrar la puerta, los adultos me miran y aprueban con la cabeza. Me muevo inquieto en la silla mientras observo a la secretaria escribir a máquina. Me parece que ha pasado una eternidad cuando el señor Hansen me llama para que vuelva a entrar. La señorita Woods y el señor Ziegler salen de la sala de profesores. Parecen contentos y, a la vez, preocupados. La señorita Woods se arrodilla y me rodea con sus brazos. Creo que nunca olvidaré el aroma del perfume que lleva en el pelo. Me suelta y se da la vuelta para que no la vea llorar. Ahora estoy verdaderamente preocupado. El señor Hansen me da una bandeja de la cafetería con la comida. '¡Dios mío! ¿Ya es la hora de comer?', me pregunto.Engullo la comida con tanta rapidez que apenas puedo degustarla. Acabo la bandeja en un tiempo récord. Poco después vuelve el director con un paquete de galletas y me dice que no coma tan de prisa. No tengo ni idea de lo que pasa. Una de mis suposiciones es que mi padre, que está separado de mi madre, ha venido por mí. Pero sé que se trata de una fantasía. El policía me pregunta la dirección y el número de teléfono. '¡Ya está! ―me digo―. Es la vuelta al infierno. Va a volver a pegarme.'El policía toma más notas ante la mirada del señor Hansen y la enfermera. Poco después cierra su libreta y le dice al señor Hansen que ya tiene suficiente información. Miro al director. Tiene la cara cubierta de sudor. Siento que el estómago comienza a contraérseme. Quiero ir al servicio y vomitar.El señor Hansen abre la puerta y veo que todos los profesores ―es la hora de la comida― me miran fijamente. Me siento muy avergonzado. 'Lo saben ―me digo―. Saben la verdad sobre mi madre, la verdad real'. Es muy importante que sepan que no soy un niño malo. Deseo tanto gustarles, que me quieran. Me vuelvo hacia el vestíbulo. El señor Ziegler abraza a la señorita Woods, que está llorando. La oigo gemir. Me da otro abrazo y se aleja rápidamente . El señor Ziegler me estrecha la mano.―Pórtate bien ―me dice.―Sí. Lo intentaré ―es lo único que puedo decir.La enfermera de la escuela está detrás del señor Hansen, en silencio. Todos se despiden de mí. Ahora sé que voy a la cárcel. 'Bien ―me digo―. Al menos no podrá pegarme si estoy en la cárcel'.El policía y yo salimos, pasamos por delante de la cafetería. Veo a algunos niños de mi clase jugando al 'balón prisionero'. Unos cuantos dejan de jugar. Gritan:―¡Han pillado a David! ¡Han pillado a David!El policía me pone la mano en el hombro y me dice que todo está bien. Mientras nos alejamos en la patrulla de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison, veo a algunos niños que parecen desconcertados por mi partida. Antes de marcharme, el señor Ziegler me ha dicho que contaría la verdad a los demás niños, la verdad real. Habría dado lo que fuera por estar en clase cuando supieran que no soy tan malo.En pocos minutos llegamos a la comisaría de policía de Daly City. Casi espero que mamá esté allí. No quiero bajarme del coche. El oficial abre la puerta, me coge del codo con suavidad y me lleva a un gran despacho. No hay nadie en la habitación. El agente se sienta en una silla que hay en una esquina, donde escribe a máquina varios folios. Observo detenidamente al policía mientras me como despacio las galletas. Las saboreo el mayor tiempo posible. No sé cuándo volveré a comer.Es más de la una de la tarde cuando el policía acaba con los trámites burocráticos. Me vuelve a pedir el número de teléfono.―¿Para qué? ―pregunto con voz quejumbrosa.―Tengo que llamarla, David ―me dice con suavidad.―¡No! ―le ordeno―. Mándeme de vuelta al colegio. ¿Pero es que no lo entiende? No debe saber que lo he contado.Me calma con otra galleta y marca despacio el 7-5-6-2-4-6-0. Veo girar el disco negro del teléfono al levantarme y acercarme, y fuerzo todo el cuerpo para tratar de oírlo sonar en el otro extremo. Lo coge mamá. Su voz me asusta. El policía me hace señas para que me aparte y respira profundamente antes de decir:―Señora Pelzer. Aquí el agente Smith del Cuerpo de Policía de Daly City. Su hijo David no irá hoy a casa. Queda bajo la custodia del Departamento Juvenil de San Mateo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame allí.Cuelga el teléfono y me sonríe.―No ha sido tan difícil, ¿verdad? ―me pregunta.Pero su mirada me indica que es a sí mismo a quien trata de convencer, no a mí.Después de recorrer varios kilómetros, llegamos a la autopista 280 y nos dirigimos hacia las afueras de Daly City. Miro a mi derecha y veo una señal que dice: 'La autopista más hermosa del mundo'. El oficial sonríe aliviado cuando salimos de los límites de la ciudad.―David Pelzer ―me dice―, eres libre.―¿Qué? ―le pregunto, aferrándome a mi única fuente de comida―. No lo entiendo. ¿No me lleva a la cárcel?Vuelve a sonreír y me aprieta el hombro con suavidad.―No, David. No tienes por qué preocuparte, de verdad. Tu madre nunca te volverá a hacer daño.Me recuesto en el asiento. El reflejo del sol me da en los ojos. Desvío la vista de los rayos del sol mientras una lágrima me corre por la mejilla.'¿Soy libre?' ©2008. Dave Pelzer. All rights reserved. Reprinted from El Niño Sin Nombre. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Health Communications, Inc., 3201 SW 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

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Product details

Paperback: 195 pages

Publisher: HCI Espanol (September 1, 2003)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 0757301363

ISBN-13: 978-0757301360

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.4 x 7.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

30 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#282,825 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)


Espero que más personas tengan el privilegio de leer la historia de este valiente sobreviviente a esa madre. Su historia llego a mi corazón.

Bought this book for my mother, she read it fast. She couldn't put it down, it was captivating from the start till the end. Very sad story, makes you realize the atrocities people do to their own children.

A pesar de la realidad del maltrato es un relato crudo del daño a los niños , sin analizar el perfil sicológico del maltratado ni de los desdtuctores.....

El poder de la observación. En muchas ocasiones marginamos a los niños por su conducta, su apariencia física... y no observamos que ocurre y cómo podemos ayudar a hacer cambios. Fue la maestra sustituta que observó y reportó... Esta historia logra volcar el corazón de todo lector. Léalo y sensibilice su alma.

I felt so sorry for the kid...I can not belive it a mother can be so cruel with her own son...

Send it to a friend and she loves it

Muy buen libro de crear conciencia y motivacion a otros que hayan pasado por situaciones similares a nunca rendirse y no aceptar lo negativo del pasado.

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El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer PDF

El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer PDF
El Niño Sin Nombre: La lucha de un niño por sobrevivir (Spanish Edition), by Dave Pelzer PDF

Friday, October 24, 2014

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Kleemsas | October 24, 2014

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Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves

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Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves

About the Author

Richard DuFour, EdD, was a public school educator for thirty-four years, serving as a teacher, principal, and superintendent. During his nineteen-year tenure as a leader at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, Stevenson was one of only three schools in the nation to win the US Department of Education Blue Ribbon Award on four occasions and the first comprehensive high school to be designated a New America High School as a model of successful school reform. He received his state's highest award as both a principal and superintendent. A prolific author and sought-after consultant, Rick is recognized as one of the leading authorities on helping school practitioners implement the Professional Learning Communities at Workâ„¢ process in their schools and districts. Rick wrote a quarterly column for the Journal of Staff Development for nearly a decade. He was the lead consultant and author of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development's video series on principalship and the author of several other videos. Rick was named as one of the Top 100 School Administrators in North America by Executive Educator magazine, was presented the Distinguished Scholar Practitioner Award from the University of Illinois, and was the 2004 recipient of the National Staff Development Council's Distinguished Service Award. Douglas Reeves, PhD, is the author of more than thirty books and many articles about leadership and organizational effectiveness. He was named the Brock International Laureate for his contributions to education and received the Contribution to the Field Award from the National Staff Development Council (now Learning Forward). Douglas has addressed audiences in all fifty US states and more than twenty-five countries, sharing his research and supporting effective leadership at the local, state, and national levels. He is founder of Finish the Dissertation, a free and noncommercial service for doctoral students, and the Zambian Leadership and Learning Institute. He is the founding editor and copublisher of The SNAFU Review, a collection of essays, poetry, and art by veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Douglas lives with his family in downtown Boston. Rebecca DuFour has served as a teacher, school administrator, and central office coordinator. As a former elementary principal, she helped her school earn state and national recognition as a model PLC. She is coauthor of numerous books, articles, and a video series on the topic of PLCs. Serving as a consultant for more than fifteen years, Becky brings more than thirty-five years of professional experience to her work with educators around the world who are implementing the PLC process in their own organizations. Becky is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award of Lynchburg College.

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Product details

Perfect Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Solution Tree Press; Pap/Psc edition (September 15, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1945349077

ISBN-13: 978-1945349072

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#620,626 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This text is a treasure trove of practical information that can be applied immediately. They start with the simple premise that “States must create the expectation that the fundamental school structure consists of collaborative teams that take collective responsibility for student learning, rather than the isolated classroom teacher.” Then they go on to outline exactly how to achieve this. If every administrator in every school followed this advice all schools would improve.The authors provide practical steps and conditions that states, districts and schools should each take, but also address what they should stop doing! While they insightfully recommend a commitment to evidence, collaboration, and results, they also give detailed explanations of how to move this work forward, including helpful free resources like protocols to help practitioners.One of the most helpful sections for me was their discussion about how to move away from “Test-based Accountability,” to “Accountability as a Learning System.” They recommend thinking of “accountability indicators as hypotheses to be tested.” What a more productive way to think about accountability! As they outline, this book is all about transforming “opportunity into action.” If you want to this book!

In clear, compelling language and less than 150 pages the authors describe a common sense, and effective plan to implement an accountability system that will actually improve educational outcomes for students and empower teachers to become the central characters in the process. I know this because I have done it. Using the ideas in this volume we saw dramatic improvement in student achievement in our district, and that improvement was maintained for years. So what is the catch one might ask? The catch is that leaders are forced to replace dogma with data. The catch is that teachers must move from isolation to collaboration. These and other culturally imbedded changes are difficult, but not impossible. As the authors say at the end of the book- Do Now.

This book is an excellent resource for practitioners and policymakers. The authors review the history of NCLB and RTTT and the limitations of both federal legislative efforts that ultimately results in passage of ESSA. In their review, the authors inform readers of what has changed and what hasn’t changed in the ESSA.An important aspect of the ESSA is that it provides far more flexibility to create school improvement initiatives aligned with State and local needs. Challenges for practitioners and policymakers under ESSA include the development of a comprehensive accountability system and building the capacity of educators to sustain it over time. This book provides a blueprint to accomplish both.Now, as in the past, the importance of highly functioning, collaborative, and focused PLCs is front and center. The authors give a thorough review of the PLC process as the most effective way to respond to ESSA and as the foundation for all school improvement and accountability efforts. The authors demonstrate that an effective PLC at work process will provide the support, research-base, and capacity-building needed for schools to achieve crucial educational outcomes for all students.This is a timely and knowledge rich book that all practitioners and policymakers should read.

This book is a call for courage and founded on powerful hope. The authors write with great urgency recognizing that an extraordinary opportunity has been entrusted to state legislators and educational leaders at the state, district, school and classroom level. At the state level, the authors propose redefining the accountability system to one that informs professional practice from one of strictly rating and ranking. At the local level, the call is for collected efficacy where every adult works collectively to support high levels of learning for all students.The authors offer The PLC at Work process as a proven strategy that will move educators from working in isolation to operating as members of high performing, collaborative teams that support the learning and success of students and each other.Change involves risk and smart risks require courage. The underlying question the authors ask is, if not now, when?

This new book is a must read for school, district, and state leaders. The authors provide a succinct review of where we have been, are, and are going with accountability systems. They remind us that it is really the teachers who make the difference with students and their achievement, and our improvement efforts should be focused on providing tools and supports to them. We are also reminded that for real improvement to occur, we need to shift from compliance to collaboration.The authors stress that we need to take this opportunity to create structures and policies that support educators to increase learning for all students. An added feature that is invaluable for all who serve students are the resources/indicators to help all leaders in a focus on “evidence”

Collaboration and Professional Learning Communities should be the autonomic reflex of education, something that just happens to regulate and govern critical functions of the institution. As a former school board member of a PLC I have watched the process in action and seen the results. Legislatures, both federal and state, will continue to offer an alphabetical array (NCLB, RTTT, ESSA) of “fixes for public education.” The one constant is certified and non-certified staff. Committed educators can work towards a common goal of student success in concert with any fashionable governmental acronym. Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act With the PLC at Work Process provides the answers to the test with clear directions how to establish a professional learning community and measure the results.

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves PDF
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves EPub
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves Doc
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves iBooks
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves rtf
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves Mobipocket
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves Kindle

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves PDF

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves PDF

Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves PDF
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at WorkTM Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities), by Richard DuFour Douglas Reeves PDF

Free Ebook Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

Kleemsas | October 24, 2014

Free Ebook Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

Now, you can figure out more valuable time to spend for this priceless publication. Reading this publication will certainly lead you to open up a brand-new globe that comes for getting something valuable and also beneficial a lot. Gold Dust Woman: The Biography Of Stevie Nicks, By Stephen Davis is just one of the collections of the books in the checklists of website. You could locate the soft documents based on the web link that we display. When you require better concept of reading recommendation, choose this book asap. We have this publication likewise for providing the book in order to suggest extra.

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

Free Ebook Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis

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Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis


Praise for Gold Dust Woman:"A captivating portrait of the singer whose songwriting and stage presence gave the faltering British blues band a boost in the mid-1970s...Davis’s candid, energetic book reveals the life of the woman who’s arguably one of rock’s greatest singer-songwriters." - Publisher's Weekly, starred review“An entertaining rock biography.” ―Kirkus Reviews"Davis is astute and respectful...adept in his literary analysis." ―The New York Times Book Review

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About the Author

STEPHEN DAVIS is America's preeminent rock journalist and biographer, having written numerous bestsellers on rock bands, including the smash hit Hammer of the Gods. He also collaborated with legendary musicians Levon Helm and Mick Fleetwood on their autobiographies. He lives in Boston.

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Product details

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin; Reprint edition (October 30, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1250295629

ISBN-13: 978-1250295620

Product Dimensions:

5.6 x 1 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.5 out of 5 stars

203 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#60,806 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

There were some high hopes for this book, being that it was written by Stephen Davis, the co-writer's of Mick Fleetwood's first autobiography Fleetwood: My Life and Adventures in Fleetwood Mac. Davis actually sources the period between 1975 and 1979 with large passages from that book. He also sources the first-hand-account works by Ken Caillat, Danny Goldberg, Carol Ann Harris, and Jenny Fleetwood.But the factual errors in this new biography start on page one and build with reckless abandon throughout the book, making for a very distracting and unsatisfying read. At this stage in her long, industrious career, the legendary Stevie Nicks deserves a thoughtfully well-researched biography, handling the many important details of Stevie's life with care. Sadly, this one misses the mark in egregious fashion.Here some of the most glaring errors that appear in Davis's book:"Into this western land was born Stephanie Lynn Nicks on May 28, 1948..." (1)May 26, 1948. The biggest mistake is on page 1, her birthday!"The remixed 'Dreams' single, with Stevie's fragile voice, got played on AM radio now..." (112)It was the album version, not a remix."One of the last tracks completed [for Trouble in Shangri-La] was recorded in Paris. This was 'Love Is,' a languid ballad..." (269)"Love Is" was recorded by Sarah McLachlan's longtime French-Canadian producer Pierre Marchand, which is probably the closest connection to Paris! The song was supposed to be recorded in the U.S., but due to Marchard's green card problem, Stevie went to Vancouver, where it was eventually recorded."The hottest female group in America, Destiny's Child, sampled the "Stand Back" guitar riff for their single "Bootylicious," and invited Stevie to appear in the video, miming Waddy's now classic single-note guitar stutter." (271)"Bootylicious" samples the "Edge of Seventeen" guitar riff, not "Stand Back.""A son of a friend of Stevie's, one of her godsons named Cory, eighteen years old, had overdosed on drugs at a fraternity party." (303)It was Glen Parrish's son Glen, Jr., not Cory."The Pretenders opened the concert with an hour-long jukebox set. Stevie and her band, working in front of colorful animations and psychedelic patterns, launched into 'Outside the Rain' as fans ran back to their seats after beer runs and bathroom visits." (311)"Gold and Braid" opened Stevie's 24 Karat Gold Tour set, not "Outside the Rain.""When the unfamiliar 'Belle Fleur' segued into 'Dreams'"... (311)"Outside the Rain" segues into "Dreams," not "Belle Fleur."__________________

The first thing I noticed was in the photographs section: a photo claims to be taken in the late 80s of Stevie with her mother at the Grammys. I thought to myself: Stevie is entirely too young in this photo, but I second guessed and continued. I wanted to give the author the benefit of the doubt considering he was so highly lauded. Then I arrived to the first chapter where he couldn't even get Stevie's birthdate correct. I had such high hopes for this book, and had purchased it for myself as an early Christmas present. Much to my chagrin, I returned the book without even advancing ten pages for I cannot support the fact someone didn't do their homework. I should have known better given that Stevie Nicks never authorized this biography.

Gets the Rumors release year and Stevie's birthday wrong before we're barely into the first chapter. Not a great sign.UPDATE: I just did something for the first time since getting into the Kindle ecosystem in 2009 - I returned an ebook for a refund. Don't buy this book.

I will not bore you with repeating what has already been written in the reviews in that mistakes and misinformation start on page one and continue to the end. Dates, names, songs, name it.. inaccurate! Also had very high hopes given the author but this book is terrible. If you're a collector like me it is good to add for the collection, but if you want to learn about Stevie read "Between the Lines" or either of Mick Fleetwood's books for real information. Oh, and to top it off the scant photos suck... Taylor Swift!!?? Really just don't waste your time.

Dates are wrong, Bob Welsh wasn’t playing in a band in Paris — the band’s NAME was Paris...I’ve been a huge FM / Nicks fan since 1979, and I’m struggling to get through this because of all the inaccuracies and the downright dry narrative, something I didn’t expect from someone like Stephen Davis. If maybe you know NOTHING about Nicks, you MIGHT find this a little interesting but for diehard fans? Skip it. It’s drivel.

I also had high hopes for this book after reading stephen Davis' hammer of the gods many years ago. I was expecting a meticulously researched book that might have some new information that long time fans might not know. The book is appalling in its superficiality -- and contains glaring errors. Most disconcerting are the misogynistic throw away lines about Stevie's appearance. Very disappointed.

Wow. How disappointing. Somebody should have really, really told this writer that the least he could do was to get Stevie's birthday right on the first few pages of this book (May 26, not 28). Common sense would tell you this, just for starters. Then he messes up some dates re Rumours. Thank goodness I read the preview of​ this book before spending money on it. I'll not buy this one, and wait for a time when Stevie writes her own biography, thank you very much.

RIDDLED with factual errors- large and small. Even which songs were written when, what they were were about based on Stevie Nicks's statements about them, and even the lyrics themselves! Burdened by hackneyed writing that draws on suppositions. Creepy mentions of things like "She'd begun to have her period back in Salt Lake. She had almost reached her full height, just over five feet, like her mother." Total botching of the story of how she came to be called Stevie. Simpering, old man storytelling from someone who just doesn't get it. Do not buy it for the pictures either. No rare photos included whatsoever, and most pics are from after 1998. Search Pinterest for thousands of photo gems including childhood pics. This guy's got nothin.

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis PDF
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Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis PDF

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis PDF

Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis PDF
Gold Dust Woman: The Biography of Stevie Nicks, by Stephen Davis PDF

Monday, October 20, 2014

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Kleemsas | October 20, 2014

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Product details

File Size: 1041 KB

Print Length: 290 pages

Publisher: Domicio Ulpiano (April 23, 2015)

Publication Date: April 23, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: Spanish


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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Get Free Ebook The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell

Kleemsas | October 15, 2014

Get Free Ebook The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell

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The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell

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The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell


 "At Zappos, many of our business decisions revolve around the customer. Lee Cockerell understands the importance of a great customer experience and shows you how to Deliver Happiness to your customers."-Tony Hsieh, NY Times bestselling author of "Delivering Happiness" and CEO of, Inc. “These Rules rule. If you play by these rules you will win.” – Carl Sewell, Chairman of Sewell Automotive Companies and author of the million copy bestseller Customers for Life” "The Customer Rules is easy to read and understand, but profound in so many ways!  If companies and leaders would follow this advice their customers and business would be significantly better." -Al Weiss, Former President,  Disney Parks and Resorts,Worldwide  “I don’t know many people who know more about customer service than Lee Cockerell.  If you want to create raving fans and have customers brag about you, read his book, The Customer Rules.  It will send you in the right direction.- Ken Blanchard, co-author, The One Minute Manager and Leading at a Higher Level “No matter what industry you’re in or what kind of company you work for, if customer service isn’t priority, your business will get crushed.  This book shows that any employee at any level of an organization can take pride in serving customers with excellence – in doing so they bolster both their career and their company profits!” -Marshall Goldsmith – New York Times bestselling author of MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. “Lee Cockerell offers practical, reader friendly suggestions and guidelines which can be implemented immediately to enhance and improve customer service at any company.” -Fred Whyte, President, STIHL Incorporated  "Lee Cockerell has written a wise and practical book chock full of ideas about delivering sensational service. He illustrates his lessons with engaging stories about real-life people doing extraordinary things for others. I love it." -Mark Sanborn, Bestselling author of The Fred Factor

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About the Author

Lee Cockerell is the author of Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney, among others. He is the former Executive Vice President of Operations of Walt Disney World and has held executive positions at Hilton Hotels and Marriott. During his distinguished career in the hospitality industry Cockerell earned a worldwide reputation as an expert on the customer experience. Cockerell travels the country addressing audiences at Fortune 100 companies;  educational institutions and non-profits; and government agencies, including the US military.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 208 pages

Publisher: Currency; 1st edition (2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0770435602

ISBN-13: 978-0770435608

Product Dimensions:

5.3 x 0.8 x 7.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

127 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#33,443 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Date: 4/15/13Title: The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational ServiceAuthor: Lee CockerellISBN 13: 978-0770435608Pages: 208Publisher: Crown BusinessCover: PaperbackRating: 3 StarsIronically, I am currently working on a customer service project. It seems that the days of customer service, let alone good customer service, is a distant memory. Now most customers call into a call center for service and what they receive is a overworked employee that is required to read from a generic script. Sadly, one size does not fit all.Even though this book has some great tips on getting and keeping customers, the people at the top must change their strategies. Having worked in customer service for nearly fifteen years, I found that companies can hire great customer care employees, but if a company's bottom line is making money and following a one-size-fits-all robotic scripts to service all its customers, customer service will not make a comeback. On the other hand, if these same companies who continue to hire non-qualified caring individuals, they will not continue to succeed.Rule number eight talks about being professional and this is something that has long disappeared in customer service. There are other valuable rules in this book, but none if it will mean a thing unless companies start caring more about their employees and their customers instead of lining their wallets. This book would have been great ten years ago, but the author may be a little over zealous with this title as it pertains to mid-sized to large corporations. However, smaller businesses may benefit from these rules.

 This book is a required read to get a job at one of my companies. I have bought many copies of this book and hand out to all of the job applicants to get a job at my company. I am truly serious about this book. I hope that all business owners read this book and make it a required read for his or her company. Also anyone who is going into the job market should read this book prior to interviewing!

This book is a great resource if you want to learn how to improve customer satisfaction or even train your staff in the non technical aspects of this matter.lots of examples, great experience and ideas on how to change the culture or mindset of your whole company.

Lee has a lifetime of experiences to share from some highly respected customer service driven organisations and has distilled it down into only 39 rules.They sound so simple but guess its messy and hard to get them constantly adhered to by everyone.They are not only essential but should form the solid foundation for a customer service driven organisation.The sooner you adopt them the sooner you will see the results.

The Customer Rules. My boss asked me to purchase the CR book for a assignment at work and this book turn out to be one of the best book that I have read... The book just didn't thought me to complete my assignment, help me to understood the basic of understanding my rights as a customer.

In a world full of cookie cutter customer service theory, Lee Cockerell is the ultimate craftsman.Hands down the best the world has seen, because Lee's wisdom comes from doing it on a massive scale for a long, long time - leading 40,000 Disney employees for nearly a decade of sensational world-class service.There is no theory in Lee's book.Only results - world class results.The brilliance of "The Customer Rules" is in Lee's profoundly simple, and simply profound approach.Never get bored with the basics.Ever.Sensational customer service doesn't have to be complicated.It's really just common courtesy, which is no longer quite so common.These 39 Rules will work for anyone, in any organization.

I don’t leave many reviews, as a matter of fact I don’t leave reviews at all, but I just finished this book and I’m so impressed I couldn’t not give five stars.It is simple and fast read (appreciate those being a foreigner), each chapter is concise with the great life examples. This book should be a part of onboarding packet for each employee , irrespective of industry. Great material!

While I don't agree 100% that the customer is always right (I'm around 95%), this book is chock full of great advice for making sure your customers are happy enough to not only come back, but also bring more people with them. Sometimes customers just ask for things that will lead to the destruction of your business model. Mr. Cockerell's experience with Disney should not be discounted. Everyone around the world knows Disney, and replicating that kind of global success should be your goal.

Purchased this book as a read for myself, being a manager, I've begun using it for staff meetings to help coach my staff. Would recommend this book for anyone in customer service.

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The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell PDF

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell PDF

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell PDF
The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service, by Lee Cockerell PDF

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