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Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Catholicism
Download Ebook Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Catholicism
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From the Back Cover
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Catholicism explores the world's largest religious denomination and introduced you to the Catholic practice. It offers you a new approach to learning Catholicism, covering the rituals and symbols of the religion, such as Mass, the Seven Sacraments, and the holy days and their meaning. The authors tell you how Catholicism has spread throughout the world, its roots, and how it has grown and changed over the course of this century. It's a valuable tool for anyone interested in examining--or reexamining--this large and complex religion.
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About the Author
Mary Faulkner holds a Master’s degree in religious education, is the director of the Institute of Integrated Healing Arts in Nashville, and is a psychotherapist in private practice.
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Product details
Series: The Complete Idiot's Guide
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: ALPHA; 1 edition (March 14, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0028636392
ISBN-13: 978-0028636399
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 1 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.3 out of 5 stars
111 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#748,235 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is a great book for people just arriving to the Catholic Church, those who just want to know a little more about it, or those who would like a refresher on things they may have forgotten. Like the rest of the series, this book uses humor and an easygoing approach to, what can be a very complex subject, and provides you with an enjoyable read while you learn the ins and outs of Catholicism. Each chapter starts with a summary of what's going to be covered, and ends with a section called "The Least You Need to Know." Both of these brief synopsis' help you know what's really key in that chapter. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the Catholic Church for any reason, who would like an easy to understand explanation of how things work!
This book is amazingly thorough and clearly written. Probably the highest quality Idiot's Guide I've ever read (I've read 5 or 6 on various subjects). Although written in 2003, it's perfectly fine for reading now. You can update your information with a later book like Inside the Kingdom by Robert Lacey after reading this one.This book should be your first stop on Saudi Arabia before branching out to others.
The book was an easy read. Very informative. My husband studies numerous religions and found this book an interesting read on the Catholic religion.
I already knew that I liked the book. I was very disappointed that I ordered a new book and the book appeared to be used. The front of the package was torn completely, as though someone removed the book from the package and put a different one in or replaced the same book back in the package. I was able to remove the book through the tear quite easily.
Yes i got this for a feriend who was having troubles with my and other catholics understanding of the catholic church. And the age old ? why do we worship Mary? It was news to me for we dont worship Mary.. Things like that was righted in this book. I didnt care much for the title though...
I ordered this for my boyfriend. He has been interested in the Catholic religion and as we do not know anyone of this faith he felt that this book would give him insight about the Catholic church and their practices.It seems to be well written and does give a good general explanation of this religion. He is still reading it, but over all he is quite pleased so far.
Every page is easy to read and understand --- excellent for Catholics who just want a complete review and for those who are curious and sincere. It is also like a springboard which can direct us to further research if /when needed or desired. And it guides me in my teaching and preparing individuals for Confirmation. I hope to get more books for future students. Please post this as from SMC only. Thank you.
I got this for my husband because I'm Catholic but he's not and he wanted a crash course. He says this has helped him understand things better
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